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Li Ting looked distressed, but not action, Chang Sha Ting waved his hand to, to tackle the look told Li Ting: Do not move, I Tingde Zhu, can not come up with sound, as long as there is a little bit of ring will be exposed, I survive it.
Li Ting raised his thumb out, Zhang said Lufthansa's strong recognition and appreciation of: Salsa, the good kind, my good sister!
Bang, bang, bang!
To the Cave where the enemy fired three shots, bullets Puchi Puchi headlong into the front of the soft wall, the bullets did not harm their female. Female soldiers were hiding in the side, hold your breath, motionless, and who do not want exposed to the enemy, but no doubt the female who gunfire caused panic in the heart, they have heightened tensions, Zuanjin a gun, but the female have no one panic, they all behave calm, or a strong survival instinct led them to be calm, tightening of the body motionless.
Li Ting with eyes scanning the three sisters, Chang Sha to elbows Push gently from the top that hold the back of her right foot stone out of the injured right foot, she endured the pain and nodded toward the Li Ting, meaning to tell Li Ting, all right, do not worry. Chen Yanmei Zhang stared Sha, expressed admiration for her, Yang Liya also praised the firm's eyes Chang Sha.
Li Ting nodded slightly move the location, Duan Qiqiang aim diagonally opposite side of the wall, right hand resting on the trigger, as long as the enemies appear, she opened fire. Three sisters along with her gentile, have won the gun at gunpoint in the same direction. Female soldiers are ready to prepare a flame, but not the sound of gunfire and speaking, but after a moment of quiet, the footsteps rang, thump thump thump of the increasingly loud, every sound seemed to have stepped on female their apex, and Li Ting Chang Sha a look back, take a look at Chen Yanmei and Yang Liya, gently pat the butt to look motioned sisters: Prepare for battle!
"China female, come out, you all come out, like the Imperial Army of the big female, female to ensure that do not kill!"
A Japanese soldier with a skilled Chinese propaganda, female soldiers look at each other, who do not speak out. Li Ting is more calm, quiet breath sideways half of his face looked Cliff gas to the hole, she beheld the light half of the hole swinging with two barrels, barrel side to side in search of the target, the enemy is to understand heart-step Li Ting step approach, she was told his heart, not tampered with, she could not hold only when pre-emptive. Little devils are now in the detection of Cave, who are wondering, they do not know the situation inside the Cave, is tentative.
"Yo laugh, Shina female soldiers, are out of it, I Watanabe, team leader, I know your hiding in the cave, to suffer it!"
"Little devils dare not come, they fear death, we should not be fooled!"
Li Ting of the sisters said softly, her words only in the people around her to hear. She has been able to beheld Watanabe that the Japanese team leader called the half of his face, Watanabe small captain's mouth moving in Xi, is fluent in Chinese cry from that given to Barry's mouth, she felt a little sick, how these devils speak fluent Chinese, she must Watanabe guess what life in China for many years. As the light of reason, the Japanese have not found them, Li Ting to restrain themselves, not to expose themselves. Watanabe called the devils pretending that the truth is to see a female who cough twice after he smiled and said laughing:
"I saw your friends, the Chinese female, come out, come out ah, the cave was cold, it burned a fire, drying your wet clothes!"
A Guizi Bing's gun into his Cave, sounding bolt up a shot, the bullet hit the bottom of the cave's rock walls, hit a spark.
"Hirai, do not shoot, the cold Chinese female friends, pile burning fire to warm up the poor are female!" Watanabe said.
"Yes, sir, Your Excellency, we burnt Bumblebee, and roasted smoked, Bumblebee to fly out of its hole!" Hirai answer.
"Shi-bee to burn burn, open wells Jun, the Chinese do not burn female, Kong Mountain team leader of Chinese female command to live!" Watanabe said.
"I understand, Shina female soldiers sent to comfort stations, the Imperial Army's big fun!" Hirai smirking answer.
Li Ting feel the situation is getting worse, and she could not think of Watanabe will provoke with the smoky poison to deal with them. Flat stone cliff near to the hole on the hay, not lack of Mikie grass outside the Cave, the enemy can easily ignite the fire, the smoke coming down the cliff cave, the man is not  Cases for iphone 3g 3gs last long, have been blacked out man with smoked combat effectiveness will be lost. Li Ting act decisively, we must not light a fire by the enemy before the initiative to attack the enemy, a vigorous fight. Her three sisters to explain his idea, and sisters silently nodded her decision. At that time, two Guizi Bing then slowly swing the gun pointed at Li Ting hiding over the cliff, she had pushed to the life and death situation, she ho got up, Duanqiang toward the hole, pull decisively the trigger, shot, Ipod touch casesand shots in the cave like muffled thunder general exploding, bullets fly in the dull, headlong into a Japanese soldier's chest, and that Japanese soldiers commit down the hole in the cliff, another soldier turned and ran, screaming with:
"China female, Shina female, big bad, and Watanabe, team leader, a female of Shina!"
Par utoptoy le vendredi 17 juin 2011


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