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Li Ting heard shouting came to understand that she was not killed in the first half of his face exposed Watanabe, if not a horizontal well, but another Japanese soldier hit her on the muzzle. She got out a few steps toward the cliff and then open the hole shot, Chang Sha, Chen Yanmei and Li Ting Yang Liya immediately stood up together to the hole shot, bullets whizzing wind to fly the hole, misses the cry of the soldier . The soldier staggered a few steps to take advantage of leap, leaping out of the Cave, but ran away. Li Ting holding the gun, zoom voice said:
"Female who rushed out to hold the hole, we have only little devils with hard, do not fear death!"
Li Ting said as he washed, three female soldiers followed her. They rushed a few steps, stopped spontaneously, they suddenly saw a crooked handle guns as if dominated by the ghosts, the dark circular mouth Zhang stand in the hole, facing the female of their chest, a kind of publicity on a female who can swallow the momentum. They do not see the back of the machine gunner machine gun, raised stone blocking their view. Cheung Sha aimed machine gun "bang" gun, machine guns stood motionless, ready to shoot Chen Yanmei, Li Ting using gestures to stop her, said:
"Sha Zhang, Yanmei, do not waste bullets, little devils in teasing us, captured our little devils deliberately think about Zage do?"

CHAPTER captured four female
Updated 2011-3-12 10:45:45 words: 4107

"We fight finished and forget, leaving the last bullet for himself, two years later, when our health care hero!" Chen Yanmei said.
"Ting sister, I want to die, suffering in the world hard, Mo to persons in the cover, I want to live!" Yang Liya said.
"Liya, you fear death, not afraid to go when the little devils of comfort it?" Chang Sha said aloud. "Bunch of devils will not be kind to us, bitter enough to eat. Yanmei, do not want to become comfort women? However, dead easy, rushed toward the machine gun, a few seconds over. Called to live hard, Lee Ting sister, you say supposed, Chang Sha listen to you, not vague! "
"I heard the words Li Ting sister, said to kill, I kill; that fall, we fall together!" Chen Yanmei straight thin physique, says muster momentum. "Soldiers can not be afraid of death, and sometimes death is a self-help, but honorable to die, but sometimes surrender is a strategy to fight tomorrow. Surrender the Brits are good at, is to preserve life, only to live, their only chance for revenge! "
"Yanmei when he said, almost like a philosopher it!" Chang Sha said. "Do not forget, lieutenant said, Do not die!"
Female who is Yuehua Jian, a dense mass of several Japanese soldiers blocked the entrance to the tunnel, blocking the crooked handle guns, but also cover the light. Thin band of light a few years, reached into the Cave to Jizhi rifles, muzzle if the wolves of the beak, a long stretch female who wants to suck the life and soul out mechanically to swallow. Several Japanese soldiers out of the way the body, but also exposed the crooked handle machine guns, rifle machine gunner also raised the back of the head to the dark, dilating blood red eyes, his hands clenched butt ready to shoot elongation. Japanese soldier's shadow and dark muzzle the female who blocked the way out, but block the cliff hole weak light, more dark the cave. While standing on the bottom of the Yadong darkness, Li Ting see everything clearly, she understood, as long as the order led Watanabe, machine gun and rifle fire together, they will be shown with the blink of an eye female Yintanshenwang Life is about to end in an instant, but the Japanese still did not fire, Cave outside a Japanese soldier, shouting loudly:
"Watanabe, Jun, female surrender to Shina, Kong Mountain Koro to live Shina female, Shina female chicks like, do not go flying!"
"Watanabe, Kong Mountain, wants female, Rex toad wants to eat, like a woman, go find your Mother!"
Cheung Sha of the moment,Ipod touch cases cursing while pulling the trigger, fired the bullets whistling in the chest got into a Guizi Bing, that Guizi Bing body of a crooked and slowly fell, several Guizi Bing Walawala roar up the gun Raining Cats and straight pull bolt ring. Sha Li Ting Cheng opened the rifle, said to her: "Wait, is not desperate, take a look what the little devils playing means, Yanmei, durability fire temper!"
"Hirai, Kameda, do not fire a gun, get out, post, Major mountains to speak of Shina female!"
Watanabe, speaking in the hole, Li Ting remember his voice. Watanabe cliff hole, then overawed the Japanese soldiers, the soldiers out of the way leather iphone 4 cases to the sides, making use of loopholes out of a crevice, the mountains give their post, Major.
Par utoptoy le vendredi 17 juin 2011


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